The article describes how to set up a local recording schedule via the New Reolink Client.

Applies to: All Reolink cameras and NVRs except battery-powered cameras.

If you want your Reolink devices to record directly to the local disk of your PC, please follow the steps below.

First of all, here is a video for your reference.

You can also follow the steps below to configure the local recording schedule for your Reolink device.

Step 1. Launch Reolink Client and click Client Settings.


Step 2. Go to Record, and toggle the Enable Record switch to enable local recording. 

enable record

Step 3. Choose the Record Type (Normal, Motion, and None) and click on the grids to customize the recording schedule. Then click the Save button to save the settings. After that, your Reolink device will start to record to your PC.


record type

  1. The local record schedule only applies to the cameras you have logged in to.
  2. If you need to set up motion detection recordings, please set the motion detection area and motion detection sensitivity first.
  3. The local recording will work only when Reolink Client is running. If the PC enters sleep mode, it will stop working.
  4. The recorded videos can be found under the recording path you selected.
    save location2
  5. If you want the device to record continuously to your computer, please choose Timer and enable all the recording schedule as shown in the picture below.
    all time