To integrate your Reolink camera with Google Home and enable event notification to be sent to your Google Home device, please follow these instructions:

Applies to: Reolink Video Doorbell PoE, Reolink Video Doorbell WiFi, Reolink Home Hub, Reolink Home Hub Pro

This feature allows Google Home to provide voice notifications for the person, vehicle detection, and any motion events based on the camera's push settings. To receive motion notifications via Google Home, please configure the push settings properly: How to Set up Push Schedule via Reolink App. This article includes the following three sections:

Add Your Reolink Camera to Google Home

Refer to: How to Add Reolink Cameras to Google Home

Here is also a video for your reference to add the camera to Google Home: 

Enable Doorbell Ringing Event Functionality

Step 1. Tap on Devices, then select the camera for which you want to enable this function.


Step 2. Go to the Settings page.


Step 3. Enable Voice notifications for this camera.


That's it! You have successfully enabled the doorbell ringing event functionality. Now, whenever your camera detects a motion, Google Home will receive a notification and provide the corresponding voice prompt for each type of motion detected.

Notification Support for Reolink Home Hub and Home Hub Pro

Cameras added to Reolink Home Hub and Reolink Home Hub Pro support notifications. As shown in the image below:

voice notification