You can refer to the following steps to enable the two-way audio/talk functions of your cameras via Reolink App. 

Applies to: E1, E1 pro, E1 Zoom, E1 Outdoor Series, Reolink Lumus, RLC-511WA, RLC-523WA, RLC-840WA, RLC-843WA, RLC-540A, RLC-811A, RLC-812A, RLC-823 Series, RLC-824A, RLC-81MA, RLC-81PA, RLC-830A, RLC-833A, RLC-843A, RLC-840A, RLC-1240A, RLC-1212A, RLC-1224A, B1200, D1200, FE-P, FE-W, CX410, CX410W, CX810, Reolink Duo series, Reolink TrackMix series, Reolink Video Doorbell series and all Reolink battery-powered cameras.

Please note that volume adjustment is only available on Android devices, not yet on iOS devices currently.

Step 1. Log in to your camera on Reolink App, go to the Device Settings > Audio page, and enable Record Audio.


Step 2. Return to the camera live view interface. Tap the loudspeakerSpeaker icon to turn on the audio.


Step 3. Tap the Talktalk_button.png button to enter the two-way audio interface. 


Step 4. Tap the Tap to TalkMicrophone button, and now you can talk with the other side.


Step 5. Tap the Volumevolume.jpg button. Move the slider up or down to adjust the volume. To exit the two-way audio interface, tap the closeExit Button icon.


Note: On the latest version Android App, you can enable the Earphoneearphone.png option to reduce echo.
