You may follow the steps below to set up continuous recording to FTP on Web Browser.

Applies to:  All Reolink cameras except for all Reolink battery-powered cameras, RLN36, Reolink E1, Reolink E1 Pro, Reolink Lumus, and add-on cameras in the NVR Kits. 

Note: Please verify that your FTP server is working properly before configuring FTP settings on Reolink App. If you don't have one, see how to build FTP Server on Your PC (Cerberus FTP Server).  

Step 1. Log in to your camera via a web browser. Click the gear icon on the top right to get to the device settings page.


Step 2. Click Surveillance > FTP > FTP settings. Configure and click Save to save the settings first. 

Click Test to test if the configurations work. 




  • FTP server: Type in the address of your FTP server and FTP port.
  • Server Port: The default FTP port for Reolink products is 21.
  • Username and Password: Enter the username and password of your FTP server. If there is no username and password required, please enable Anonymous FTP.
  • Transfer Mode: Choose to transfer the data by Auto, PORT, or PASV mode. We suggest you choose the Auto option.
  • FTPS Only: Your FTP server must support the FTPS protocol. If this option is enabled, the camera will communicate only using FTPS. 
  • Remote Directory: Set up an upload directory for device video recording. You can leave it blank, and the files will be uploaded to the root directory.
  • Generate subfolder by: The format of the generated subfolder. 
  • Upload: Choose to upload only video, only image, or both video and image. 
  • Video Resolution: Resolutions for the uploaded videos.
  • FTP Postpone: Set the record time limit after a motion is detected. This option is only available when the File Type is Video and the FTP Schedule is Alarm.
  • Max File Size (MB): Customize the maximum file size. 
  • Overwrite File: No means the files will not be overwritten. Choose to overwrite the single file (which will only retain the latest file) or alternately overwrite two files (which will generate temporary files). 
  • Image Resolution: Resolutions for the uploaded images. 
  • Interval: The interval for uploading the image to your FTP server. 

Step 3. Scroll down the page to Schedule > Timer. Click Enable/Disable and then click on the grid to upload/not upload continuous recording in that hour. Blue means enabled, while grey is disabled. Click Save to save the configurations. 


If the web interface of your camera is an old version, you can refer to the steps below. 

Step 1. Log in to your camera via a web browser and go to the device settings page. 

Step 2. Go to Device Settings Advanced FTP. 

Step 3. Complete the information required.


  • Server IP: Type in the IP address of your FTP server and enter the correct Port. The default value of the port is 21.
  • Username and Password: Enter the User Name and the Password of your FTP server. If your FTP server does not require a username and a password, please check Anonymous.
  • Upload Directory: Set an upload directory for the recordings to be uploaded to. You may also leave it blank.
  • Max File Size(MB): Set the length of each video package uploaded to the server.
  • File Type: Choose to upload both Video and picture or Picture only.
  • FTP Postpone: Set the record time limit after a motion is detected. This option is only available when File Type is Video and FTP Schedule is Motion.

Step 4. Check Enable. Click Normal and check the grid to turn it blue, which means there will be non-stop recordings uploaded in that hour. If you check all the grids, it will upload continuous recordings 24/7.


Step 5. Click OK to save the settings. Click Test to check whether FTP has been set up successfully.