The amount of energy that Reolink Solar Panel can produce is affected by weather conditions, seasonal changes, geographic locations, etc.
Applies to: Reolink battery-powered cameras except for Reolink Argus, Keen
1. Weather
Reolink Solar panel may not be able to keep your camera fully charged on days that are snowy, cloudy, gloomy, or rainy or during periods of extensive use (frequent access or constant triggers).
2. Installation and angle
When mounting your Reolink Solar panel, please select a position with the most sunlight throughout the year for it to make sure your Solar Panel could get the best efficiency when harvesting energy.
Make sure that there is no blocking on the solar panel. The energy harvesting efficiency drops drastically even when a small portion of the solar panel is blocked.
3. Temperature
If the temperature is 0°C (32°F) or above 45°C (113°F), the solar panel may not charge.
4. Other factors
External factors, such as shade, temperature, weather, and amount of dust or debris on its surface, may also affect the effectivity of the Reolink Solar Panel in generating electricity. Please don't install the Solar Panel completely horizontally or your Solar Panel might accumulate dust and other debris easily and will affect the energy harvesting efficiency.