Advanced Settings include User Management/Change Device Password, Date & Time, Record Audio, Infrared Lights, Spotlight, Status LED, Reboot, and Restore.

Please note that some advanced settings may vary from model to model such as user management, spotlight, or status LED. 
Here we'll guide you to set up the Advanced settings via Reolink App.

Applies to: All Reolink cameras

Step 1. Launch Reolink App, then tap on the gear icon to go to the Device Settings page of the camera, and tap on Advanced.


Step 2. For non-battery-powered cameras, you can tap User Management to manage the camera account. You can add another admin or user account based on your needs. 

For battery-powered cameras, you can only change the camera's password on the App since it's not allowed to add multiple user accounts.

Tap Change Device password, enter the old password and new password of the device, then tap Save to save the settings.


Step 3. To synchronize the data and time, tap Date & Time > Synchronize phone time.


Step 4. To hear the audio of the camera in live view or playback, tap to enable Record Audio.


Step 5. If you want to enable the IR lights, tap Infrared Lights.

There are two modes that can be chosen: Auto and Stay Off.


Step 6. If you want to set up the spotlight, then tap Spotlight. The spotlight settings vary from different models of cameras. 

For non-battery-powered cameras which have the spotlight feature, there are three different options (Close, Auto, On as scheduled) for the Night Mode and you can also customize the brightness of the spotlight. 

For more details about configuring the spotlight settings, you can refer to How to Configure Spotlight Settings via Reolink App.


For battery-powered cameras which support the spotlight feature, you can select the night mode to be Close/Auto or Auto-On for Live View.


Step 6. Tap Status LED, you can enable or disable it.

Note: The status LED setting is only available for battery-powered cameras and E1 Series cameras.


Step 7. You may also tap to Reboot or Restore the camera.


Note: If you reboot the camera, the camera will only restart without any changes to the settings.

Restoring the camera will make the settings reset to default except for the WiFi configuration and DST.