If you want to know how much data your camera will need in normal usage, please check the following information.

Applies to: Reolink Go, Reolink Go PT, Reolink Go Plus, Go Series G330, Reolink Go PT Plus, Go Series G430, Reolink Go Ultra, Go Series G340, Reolink Go PT Ultra, Go Series G440, Reolink Go Ranger PT, Go Series G450, KEEN Ranger PT, Reolink Duo 4G, Reolink Duo 2 LTE, Duo Series G750, Reolink TrackMix LTE, Trackmix Series G770, Reolink TrackMix LTE Plus, TrackMix Series G780, Reolink TrackMix Wired LTE, Trackmix Series G765.

Data usage depends on the bitrate you set for the camera.

Reolink Go/Go PT

The default bitrate is 1.5 Mbps for mainstream (up to 2 Mbps) and 160 kbps for substream (up to 512 kbps).

Under default settings, 1 GB of data can be used for continuous live streaming for 1 hour in the mainstream (clear mode), and about 10 hours in the substream (fluent mode). Under normal usage, 1 GB of data a month should be enough.

Reolink Go Plus/Go Ultra/Go PT Plus/Go PT Ultra/Go Ranger PT

The default bitrate is 3 Mbps for mainstream (up to 4 Mbps) and 672 kbps for substream.

Under default settings, 1 GB of data can be used for continuous live streaming for 45 minutes in the mainstream (clear mode), and about 3.5 hours in the substream (fluent mode). Under normal usage, 2 GB of data a month should be enough.

Reolink Keen Ranger PT

The default bitrate is 2 Mbps for mainstream (up to 4 Mbps) and 384 kbps for substream (up to 512 kbps).

Under default settings, 1 GB of data can be used for continuous live streaming for 1 hour in the mainstream (clear mode), and about 6 hours in the substream (fluent mode). Under normal usage, 2 GB of data a month should be enough.

Reolink Duo 4G 

One hour of live feed in Clear mode for one channel (default bitrate: 3 Mbps) will use about 2 GB of data.

If you use 1 GB of data to stream live feed in Fluent mode for one channel (default bitrate: 512 kbps), it can last for about 4 hours. If you watch two channels in Fluent mode at the same time (default bitrate: 512 kbps for each), 1 GB of data can last for about 2 hours.

Reolink Duo 2 LTE

Applies to: Duo 2 LTE 6MP 

The default bitrate is 4 Mbps for mainstream and 1 Mbps for substream (up to 3 Mbps).

Under default settings, 1 GB of data can be used for continuous live streaming for 30 minutes in the mainstream (Clear mode), and about 2 hours in the substream (Fluent mode). Under normal usage, 5 GB of data a month should be enough.

Applies to: Duo 2 LTE 8MP 

The default bitrate is 2 Mbps for mainstream (up to 4 Mbps) and 672 kbps for substream (up to 1 Mbps).

Under default settings, 1 GB of data can be used for continuous live streaming for 1 hours in the mainstream (clear mode), and about 3.5 hours in the substream (fluent mode). Under normal usage, 3 GB of data a month should be enough.

Reolink TrackMix LTE/Reolink TrackMix Wired LTE

Applies to: Reolink TrackMix LTE 4MP and TrackMix Wired LTE

The default bitrate is 3 Mbps (up to 4 Mbps) in the mainstream and 672 kbps in the substream.

One hour of live feed in Clear mode for one channel will use about 2 GB of data.

If you use 1 GB of data to stream live feed in Fluent mode for one channel, it can last for about 3 hours. If you watch two channels in Fluent mode at the same time (default bitrate: 672 kbps for each), 1 GB of data can last for about 1.5 hours.

Applies to: Reolink TrackMix LTE 8MP

The default bitrate is 2 Mbps (up to 4 Mbps) in the mainstream and 672 kbps in the substream.

In Clear mode, one hour of live feed for one channel will consume approximately 1.5 GB of data. If you stream live feed in Fluent mode, using 1 GB of data will last about 3.5 hours for one channel. When watching two channels simultaneously in Fluent mode (with a bitrate of 672 kbps for each), 1 GB of data can support around 1.25 hours of streaming.

Reolink TrackMix LTE Plus

The default bitrate is 3 Mbps (up to 4 Mbps) in the mainstream and 384 kbps in the substream. 

One hour of live feed in Clear mode for one channel will use about 2 GB of data.

If you use 1 GB of data to stream live feed in Fluent mode for one channel, it can last for about 5 hours. If you watch two channels in Fluent mode at the same time (default bitrate: 384 kbps for each), 1 GB of data can last for about 2.5 hours.


Based on the above, you may estimate the data usage and choose the right data plan according to your demands.


1. To change the bitrate, please refer to How to Set up the Quality Settings via Reolink App

2. The above information is just for reference. The actual data usage is based on the actual working situation and may vary from the SIM card providers.