This article will show you how to install a microSD card for Reolink Argus Eco Series and Argus 2E.

Applies to: Argus Eco, Argus Series B320, Argus Eco Pro, Argus Series B340, Argus Eco Ultra, Argus Series B360 and Argus 2E

Note: You can refer to Choose Micro SD Card for Reolink Cameras to choose a suitable Micro SD card for your camera.

Argus Eco


Here is a video for your reference:

Step 1. Power off the camera by adjusting the power button manually.


Step 2. Insert the microSD card in the correct direction into the SD card slot.


Note: Please make sure that you install the Micro SD card in the correct direction, as in the picture shown above.

Step 3. Power on the camera by adjusting the power button manually.



Argus Eco Pro/Argus Eco Ultra

Here is a video for your reference.

Step 1. Remove the rubber, press the power button for 5s to power off the camera.

Power+Reset Argus Eco Ultra.png

Step 2. Insert a microSD card in the correct direction into the SD card slot.

Step 3. Press the power button for 2s to power on the camera.


Argus 2E

The process of install a microSD card for Argus 2E is the same as Argus Eco.

Here is a picture showing where the microSD card slot is:
