There are 3 stream types for Reolink cameras. If you are not sure what they represent, refer to the detailed information below.

Applies to: All Reolink Cameras

Clear is the best image quality.

  • For Reolink PoE cameras and WiFi cameras (except battery-powered ones), the resolution could be 4MP (1440P), 5MP (1728P), 8MP, and 12MP depending on your setting.
  • For Reolink battery-powered cameras, the Clear resolution is 2MP (1080P) or 4MP.

Fluent is the lowest image quality. For Reolink cameras, the Fluent resolution is 640P.

Note: When recording, the camera will record in both Clear and Fluent stream types, but you can choose one of them when you playback the videos.

Balanced/Standard is the image quality between Clear and Fluent.

For how to switch the streaming mode when viewing the camera's image, please check: How to Change Stream Mode in Live Viewing