The following videos and steps will guide you on how to enable two-way audio for Reolink cameras via Reolink App.

Applies to: E1, E Series E320, E1 pro, E1 Zoom, E Series E340, E1 Outdoor Series, Reolink Lumus, RLC-511WA, RLC-523WA, RLC-840WA, W337, RLC-843WA, W437, RLC-540A, P327, RLC-811A, P430, RLC-812A, RLC-823 Series, RLC-824A, RLC-81MA, P330M, RLC-81PA, P330P, RLC-830A, P830, RLC-833A, P434, RLC-843A, P437, RLC-840A, P337, RLC-1240A, P347, RLC-1212A, P341, RLC-1224A, P345, B1200, P341C, D1200, P345C, FE-P, Fisheye Series P520, FE-W, Fisheye Series W520, CX410, ColorX Series P320X, CX410W, ColorX Series W320X, CX810, ColorX Series P330X, CX820, Reolink Duo series, Reolink TrackMix series, Reolink Video Doorbell series and all Reolink battery-powered cameras.

Note: Please make sure your phone's microphone and speaker can function properly before using the two-way audio of the camera.

For Android app:

For iOS app:

Step 1. Log in to your camera on Reolink App, go to Device Settingsgear icon.png > Audio, and enable Record Audio.

live viewaudioaudio volume

Step 2. Return to the camera live view interface. Tap the Talk talk_button.png button to enter the 2-way audio interface. Tap Tap to Talk to start talking.

live viewtalk

Step 3. To exit the 2-way audio page, tap the cross exit button.png icon.
