Orders placed on Reolink official website can be shipped to the following countries and regions:

Shipping Area Shipping To Shipping From Estimated Delivery Time
North America the United States the United States 3-6 Business Days
Mexico 7-12 Business Days
Canada Canada 3-6 Business Days
Europe Germany Germany 2-4 Business Days
Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Poland, the Netherlands 3-6 Business Days
Austria, Czech, France, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland 4-7 Business Days
Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Spain 5-8 Business Days
Finland, Ireland, Norway 6-9 Business Days
Bulgaria, Greece, Malta 7-10 Business Days
the United Kingdom the United Kingdom 3-5 Business Days
Asia Pacific Australia Australia 2-5 Business Days


Reolink has local warehouses stationed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia. We are still expanding our local warehouses to improve our shipping service and delivery time. Improving your shopping experiences is Reolink's priority.