Reolink Home Hub compatibility is a key aspect of the system, offering centralized storage and device management that enhance security and provide insightful monitoring.

Here is the information of Reolink Home Hub compatible cameras.

Applies to: Reolink Home Hub Pro, Reolink Home Hub.

Please ensure your model is listed as compatible and has the necessary firmware updates installed. Refer to the compatibility chart below for more details. Refer to How to Find out System Information via Reolink App to verify your camera's hardware version for seamless integration.

Type Model Name Hub-Compatible Hardware Version Released Date Hardware Version Availability
PoE Cameras All PoE cameras with a UID starts with 9527... Factory-supported, no firmware upgrade needed.
Wi-Fi Plug-In Cameras All Wi-Fi plug-in cameras with a UID starts with 9527... (except Lumus with hardware IPC_325C7)
Battery-Powered Cameras Argus Eco Pro BIPC_566MIX16M35B2325MP

Released, upgradable.


Argus Eco Ultra BIPC_560MIX16M35B238MP
Argus Series B360 BIPC_560MIX16M35B238MP 7.5 √
Argus Series B320 BIPC_561MIX16M82B1653MP 7.5 √
Argus PT BIPC_566MIX16M35SD965MP
Argus PT Ultra BIPC_560MIX16M35SD938MP
Argus 3 Pro BIPC_566MIX16M35C10F5MP
Argus 3 Ultra BIPC_560MIX16M35C10G8MP
Argus 4 Pro BIPC_NT7BNO38MPW4C11V3
Argus 4 BIPC_NT7BNO38MPW4C11
Argus PT Lite BIPC_561MIX16M82SD953MP 6.15 √
Argus 2E BIPC_561MIX16M82C973MP 6.24 √
Argus 2E Plus BIPC_561MIX16M82C973MP 6.25 √
Argus Eco BIPC_561MIX16M82B1653MP 6.15 √
Argus Track BIPC_560MIX32M35SD118MP 7.5 √
TrackMix BIPC_560MIX32M35SD724MP 7.5 √
Reolink Duo 2 BIPC_529MIX32M35B17B28MP 7.1 √
BIPC_529MIX32M35B17B6MP 7.15 √
Argus 3 Pro BIPC_566MIX16M35C10E4MP
BIPC_523MIX32M35C10A4MP 9.11 √
Argus PT BIPC_523MIX32M35SD94MP 9.11 √
BIPC_523MIX32M86SD924MP 9.24 √ To Be Announced.
Argus 3 2K BIPC_523MIX32M86C10D4MP  
Reolink TrackMix BIPC_523MIX32M35SD74MP  
Argus Eco BIPC_566MIX16M82B1643MP  
Reolink Video Doorbell (Battery) DB_560MIXDB32M35DBB14MP Factory-supported, no firmware upgrade needed.
Reolink Altas PT BIPC_NT14BNO34MPW4SD13V2
Reolink Altas PT Ultra BIPC_NT14BNO38MPW4SD13V4
Reolink Duo  BIPC_523MIX32M32B174MP   Evaluating
Reolink Argus 2E BIPC_36S7616MC94(C9-C95)  
Reolink Argus Eco BIPC_36S3216MGUN  
Argus 2 BIPC_36S3216MC52  
Argus PT BIPC_36S3216MPT2  
Argus PT BIPC_36S7616MPT4  
Argus 3 BIPC_36S3216MC83  


Reolink Home Hub Pro: supports up to 24 cameras, consisting of 12 plug-in cameras and 12 battery-powered cameras.

  1. It can connect up to 12 plug-in cameras.
  2. With default camera bitrates, it supports simultaneous recording from up to 12 single-lens 8MP plug-in cameras and up to 24 battery-powered cameras at any resolution.

Reolink Home Hub: Supports up to 8 cameras.