Manage security more intelligently with Reolink's Smart Surveillance Analytics, designed to help users efficiently play, analyze, and download video history from Reolink cameras. This guide will walk you through the key features of Smart Surveillance Analytics, its applications, and how to make the most of Reolink's 24/7 video history.

Applies to: Reolink Home Hub, Reolink Home Hub Pro, RLN8-410 (New UI), RLN16-410 (New UI), RLN36 and RLN12W.


1. You can use Smart Surveillance Analytics via the Reolink App or Reolink Client for the Reolink Home Hub series, but for Reolink NVRs, the function is only available through monitors connected to the NVR.

2. The camera must be configured with the correct recording schedule and type, and the recording function in scene mode should be enabled. Only then will Smart Surveillance Analytics display recordings (as shown in the second file below). Otherwise, it will only show the triggered events without allowing access to the recordings (as shown in the first file below).

event histroy and recording

Table of Contents:

1. What Is Reolink Smart Surveillance Analytics?

2. How to Use Reolink Smart Surveillance Analytics?

3. How to View and Download Reolink Camera Video History?

What Is Reolink Smart Surveillance Analytics?

Reolink's Smart Surveillance Analytics is a tool that integrates Reolink recording history from all your connected cameras, making it easier to review footage. You can filter the recordings by time, device, or event type for quick access to important clips. Additionally, it analyzes the integrated data to provide daily, weekly, or monthly reports on your security trends and activities. Key features include:

  • Integrated Recordings: Combines videos from all your cameras into one platform for easier monitoring.
  • Customizable Filters and Quick Playback: Allows you to filter by time, device, or event type to quickly find and view specific footage.
  • Trend Analysis and Reports: Analyzes the combined data to deliver reports on security trends and activities on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

How to Use Smart Surveillance Analytics?

  • Reolink Home Hub Series via Reolink App

    Step 1: Accessing the Feature

    Tap enter hub settings iconto navigate to the Home Hub settings and select “Event History.” This simple step starts your journey into organized surveillance data.

    Reolink Home Hub settingshome hub main settings

    Step 2: Exploring the Interface
    You'll see a detailed list of events with motion types, timestamps, and durations. Tap icon for weekly summary  for "Weekly Summary", a concise breakdown of weekly and daily alarm frequencies by type and camera. Select time periods to navigate between different weeks for more detailed analysis.

    evernt historyweekly summary

    Step 3: Filtering Alarm Events
    To narrow your search, use the filter function. Tap and you can set Start and End Dates, select specific Devices, or choose Event Categories. Note, the date range cannot exceed seven days.

    Filter of Event history

  • Reolink Home Hub Series via Reolink Client

    Step 1: Accessing the Feature

    Tap arrow buttonto navigate to the Home Hub settings and click Event History. This simple step starts your journey into organized surveillance data.

    event history

    Step 2: Filtering Alarm Events
    Select the Date, Device, Event Type to navigate the events recordings for more detailed analysis.

    Reset: Restore the event history filter configuration.

    Search: Search for event recordings that match your filter criteria.

    event history select

    Step 3: Exploring the Interface

    Click weekly Summary for a concise breakdown of weekly and daily alarm frequencies by type and camera.

    weekly insightsweekly insights detail

  • Reolink NVRs via a Monitor (New UI)

    Step 1: Accessing the Feature

    Launch your Reolink NVR and access it via a monitor. Right-click on the live view page and click the Event History icon.

    enter NVR event history

    Step 2: Filtering Alarm Events

    You can filter event recordings based on Time, Type, and Camera as needed.

    event history filter

    Step 3: Exploring the Interface

    Click the three line icon icon to view events in a details view, where you can see a pie chart displaying the percentage distribution of event types.

    event history another insight

How to View and Download Reolink Camera Video History

  • Reolink Home Hub Series via Reolink App

    Viewing Playback: Simply tap on an event record to start playing the recorded incident right away.

    evernt historydownload recording from event history

    Downloading Footage: To download Reolink camera history, tap the download button in the upper right corner. The footage will be automatically saved to your phone album.

    download recording from event history successfully

  • Reolink Home Hub Series via Reolink Client

    Viewing Playback: Simply tap on an event record to start playing the recorded incident right away.

    select video client min

    expand Full screen: Expand to full screen.

    volume Volume: Turn on/off, turn up/down volume.

    download Downloading Footage: To download Reolink camera history, tap the download button in the right corner. The footage will be automatically saved to the event-log folder on your download path: How to Find the Record Path of Local Recordings on the Computer

    play event recording client

    event log

  • Reolink NVRs via a Monitor (New UI)

    Viewing Playback: Simply tap on an event record to start playing the recorded incident right away.

    event history play video

    event history another insight and play

    Downloading footage: On the event play page, you can click the  download icon to download the event video. 

    event history play page

    To download multiple event recordings at once, you can also click Select on the top right of the page. Then, select recordings you want and click Export to download.

    Event history selectevent history select and download

    You need to insert a USB to the NVR before downloading the recordings.

    event history prepare a USB

Reolink's Smart Surveillance Analytics is a crucial enhancement for your security strategy. By streamlining event organization, analysis, and retrieval, it enhances your ability to monitor, react, and protect your premises effectively. Embrace this powerful tool to elevate your security management. For further assistance or inquiries, our dedicated support team is ready to assist you.