If your camera has been set to record 24/7 and record when motion/alarm events trigger the camera, you may need to guide on how to only playback those continuous recording clips which contain motion/alarm events. This article is here to help with it. 

Applies to: All Reolink devices.

Note: Before setting up, make sure you have installed Reolink App and Client on your phone or PC. 

On Reolink App:

Step 1. Launch Reolink App, log in to your camera and preview your camera. Tap Playback button to enter the playback page. Then tap the arrow shown in the picture, select a date (in black) with recordings and tap Done.

tap playback button tap arrow

select a date 

Step 2. View all the recordings.

If the icons at the bottom left corner stays black as the picture shown below, it means all recordings are displayed now. You can view them as you want.

continuous recordings

Step 3. Filter out motion/alarm-triggered recordings.

Tap the  icons icon. Then select the event type you want (make it blue) to find out video clips containing that type of motion/alarm event. If you want to view all the alarm events, you can tap Select All.

For example, in the picture below, all the recording clips containing person motion are displayed above the timeline.

continuous recordings person 

the person

If you select an icon (like the Vehicle in the picture below) and there are no recordings found, it means there are no recordings containing this type of motion or alarm events.

car no files found

For the Reolink Video Doorbell (Battery) with the latest firmware v3.0.0.4430_24121109 on the 4.51 App, you can also filter answered and unanswered calls to view the corresponding doorbell events from visitors.

answered call

On Reolink Client:

Step 1. Launch Reolink Client and log in to your camera. Enter the Playback page and select a date that has recordings (the date with a blue dot). Then click on that date.

calendar select

Step 2. Click the icon (turn it blue) beside the calendar option to view recording clips of that type. 

For example, in the picture above, click on the Moving Ball icon. Recordings triggered by any motions will be displayed below the timeline. 

Note: These icons stand for any motion, person, vehicle, and animal. They may vary according to different camera models.

any motion

Note: When no filter buttons are ticked, the continuous recordings will be displayed as a gray bar. If any filter buttons are ticked, the continuous recordings will be hidden.

not select

Step 3. Find out video clips with motion/alarm events.

Click the corresponding icon to find the videos recorded with motion or alarm events. For example, if we click the Person icon, all the recordings triggered by the Person motion will be displayed.


The same applies to other types of alarms. If you click an icon, such as the car icon in the picture below, and there are no recordings presented, it means there are no recordings containing this type of motion or alarm events.


In conclusion, filtering out motion or alarm-triggered videos from continuous recordings allows for a more focused and efficient playback experience. Whether you're using the Reolink App or Client, this feature helps you quickly find important events while saving time.

If you have any other questions, please click the link Submit a request below to contact Reolink Support.